Thursday, November 24, 2005

Management by Matrices

The 2 by 2 matrix is perhaps the most commonly used tool in a lot of management literature. Perhaps management theorists feel a trifle insecure about most of their 'postulates' which lie somwhere in the space between common sense and 'common sense expressed in fewer English words than lay persons'. It could be that Management is a Science that does not lend itself easily to formulaic expressions. Surely, if CK Prahlad were to say that organizations should focus on what they do best, it wouldn't sound like somethign worthy of a journal, but when he calls it 'core competence' , you have an idea that sells. It must also be said that this 'jargonization' is true with most disciplines. Perhaps practioners of a discipline feel more 'apart' from lay-persons when they use jargon. Actually... it makes sense. You dont see Pepsi marketing itself as ' sweet carbonated water'. Instead they would like us to believe that their product is the elixir of life itself!


Nirek said...

hello Mohit,
i am a MBA apirant! I found ur blog from indianbloggers route. Gud to hear abt ur gyans on management! keep posting

Nirav said...


Came to know about your blog through

Keep writing.

And do keep in touch.

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